Thar Soe is Myanmar popular hip-hop singer and DJ. He became well-known with his remix music album, called "Yaw Tha Ma Mawe". Thar Soe and Htet Htet Khine (or) Nge Nge engaged last 10th January 2009.Then, they moved to U.S.A and they are staying in U.S.A at the moment. Thar Soe is also trying to establish his own music stereo to make his own production in U.S.A.

Thxa soe (aka) Thar soe (aka) Ther soe
Real Name : Soe Moe Aung
Birth Place : Rangon, Burma (Myanmar)
Date of Birth : Nov 04, 1980
Educatioin : English Major ( Dagon University, Yangon)
Photos From Facebook.Com & ThaxSoe.Com

"ေရာသမေမႊ" Music Album နဲ႔ နာမည္ရလာတဲ့ အဆိုေတာ္ သားစိုး ပါ။