Singer Sin Pauk is getting popular with his second solo album, called "A Kyi Ta Chat". Sin Pauk receive the strong support from his fans with "A Kyi Ta Chat" song. At the moment, Sin Pauk is preparing for his third solo album which will be released soon. Recent Interview with Journalists, Sin Pauk said that he has tried a lot for this album in order to meet with his fans' liking. Sin Pauk founds new music ensemble for this album.

“အၾကည့္တခ်က္”ေၾကာင့္ ပရိတ္သတ္ရဲ့ အသိအမွတ္ျပဳ အားေပးျခင္းကို ရရွိထားတဲ့ အဆိုေတာ္ ဆင္ေပါက္ ပါ။