Moe Aung Yin is getting popular as a new face actor and he is having strong audiences. Moe Aung Yin is the son of Aung Yin, one of Myanmar famous singer. Moe Aung Yin becomes the main actor of Lucky Seven Video Production and he has already made contract with Lucky Seven for staring as a main actor for Lucky Seven's videos. He starred for 2 Films (A Chit Ka Lan Tae Film and Hot Shock 2 Film ) at the moment. Moe Aung Yin is one of the rising star of Myanmar filming industry as the scarce of handsome and active actor in Myanmar.

Moe Aung Yin, Myanmar new face actor

Myanmar popular actor and TV star, Moe Aung Yin

Myanmar actor, Moe Aung Yin's Fashion Photos

မိုးေအာင္ရင္က အခုတစ္ေလာ နာမည္ရလာျပီး သူ႔ပရိသတ္နဲ႔သူ အခိုင္အမာျဖစ္ေနတဲ့ မင္းသားအသစ္ တစ္ေယာက္ပါ။ အဆိုေတာ္ေအာင္ရင္ ရဲ့ သားပါ။ သူ က လပ္ကီးဆဲဗင္းရဲ႕ ပင္တိုင္မင္းသား တစ္လက္ျဖစ္သလို တစ္ဖက္မွာ လည္း တီဗြီေၾကာ္ျငာနဲ႔ Music Video ေတြ႐ိုက္ကူးေန ပါတယ္။ Glorin ေခါင္းလိမ္းဆီ ေၾကာ္ျငာကို စ႐ိုက္ခဲ့ျပီးေနာက္မွာ Lucky Seven Video Production နဲ႔ စာခ်ဳပ္ခ်ဳပ္ခဲ့တယ္ လို႔သိရပါတယ္။ ရုပ္ရွင္ကားၾကီး အေနနဲ႔ေတာ့'အခ်စ္ကလန္းတယ္'ႏွင့္ 'ေဟာ့ေရွာ့(၂)' မွာ ပါ၀င္သရုပ္ထားျပီးပါျပီ။